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What if Finland’s great teachers taught in New Hampshire?

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Valerie Strauss (The Answer Sheet blog at the Washington Post) had widely respected Finnish education strategist Pasi Sahlberg write a guest column. It’s great fun to get these thoughts unconstrained by the limits of our current American education debate. Key points:


In the United States, for example, there are more than 1,500 different teacher-preparation programs. The range in quality is wide. In Singapore and Finland only one academically rigorous teacher education program is available for those who desire to become teachers. Likewise, neither Canada nor South Korea has fast-track options into teaching, such as Teach for America or Teach First in Europe. Teacher quality in high-performing countries is a result of careful quality control at entry into teaching rather than measuring teacher effectiveness in service.


In the United States today, 23 percent of children live in poor homes. In Finland, the same way to calculate child poverty would show that figure to be almost five times smaller. The United States ranked in the bottom four in the recent United Nations review on child well-being. Among 29 wealthy countries, the United States landed second from the last in child poverty and held a similarly poor position in “child life satisfaction.” Teachers alone, regardless of how effective they are, will not be able to overcome the challenges that poor children bring with them to schools everyday.

Finland is not a fan of standardization in education. However, teacher education in Finland is carefully standardized. All teachers must earn a master’s degree at one of the country’s research universities. Competition to get into these teacher education programs is tough; only “the best and the brightest” are accepted. As a consequence, teaching is regarded as an esteemed profession, on par with medicine, law or engineering. There is another “teacher quality” checkpoint at graduation from School of Education in Finland. Students are not allowed to earn degrees to teach unless they demonstrate that they possess knowledge, skills and morals necessary to be a successful teacher.

Lessons from high-performing school systems, including Finland, suggest that we must reconsider how we think about teaching as a profession and what is the role of the school in our society.

First, standardization should focus more on teacher education and less on teaching and learning in schools. Singapore, Canada and Finland all set high standards for their teacher-preparation programs in academic universities. There is no Teach for Finland or other alternative pathways into teaching that wouldn’t include thoroughly studying theories of pedagogy and undergo clinical practice. These countries set the priority to have strict quality control before anybody will be allowed to teach – or even study teaching! This is why in these countries teacher effectiveness and teacher evaluation are not such controversial topics as they are in the U.S. today.

When Mr. Sahlberg says standardization should focus “less on teaching and learning in schools,” he is not suggesting that there should be no national standards for what is taught. Finland actually goes further than the U.S. Common Core State Standards in specifying what it calls its “National Core Curriculum.”

Second, the toxic use of accountability for schools should be abandoned. Current practices in many countries that judge the quality of teachers by counting their students’ measured achievement only is in many ways inaccurate and unfair. It is inaccurate because most schools’ goals are broader than good performance in a few academic subjects. It is unfair because most of the variation of student achievement in standardized tests can be explained by out-of-school factors. Most teachers understand that what students learn in school is because the whole school has made an effort, not just some individual teachers. In the education systems that are high in international rankings, teachers feel that they are empowered by their leaders and their fellow teachers. In Finland, half of surveyed teachers responded that they would consider leaving their job if their performance would be determined by their student’s standardized test results.

Mr. Sahlberg makes one important point after another in this paragraph. It should be said, though, that New Hampshire’s evaluation model is flexible on the use of student performance. The school district decides how much to factor student performance into teaching evaluations and, even at at, the primary measure of student performance is not test results but how well student learning compares to “student learning objectives.” To the extent that test results are used, schools could use student growth rather than absolute results and attribute that to teams of teachers rather than individual teachers (here’s a great discussion of how to do that). So, in the end, the New Hampshire model is pretty far from the punitive models used in other states. However, there is still a complexity to measuring student performance and using it in teaching evaluations that will make it difficult for teachers and administrators to trust it.

It is worth pointing out that many New Hampshire teachers already make heavy use of the annual test results. They talk of sitting around together to discuss what the scores tell them about what they are doing well and not well. The best teachers don’t seem to fear the test results, but consider them one legitimate source of feedback. Testing gets a bad name from being used as a bludgeon to fire teachers and close schools. But if teachers consider the results basically legitimate and the use in teaching evaluation as supportive rather than punitive, maybe test results could become one component of an evaluation system they would trust.

Third, other school policies must be changed before teaching becomes attractive to more young talents. In many countries where teachers fight for their rights, their main demand is not more money but better working conditions in schools. Again, experiences from those countries that do well in international rankings suggest that teachers should have autonomy in planning their work, freedom to run their lessons the way that leads to best results, and authority to influence the assessment of the outcomes of their work. Schools should also be trusted in these key areas of the teaching profession.

To finish up, let’s do one theoretical experiment. We transport highly trained Finnish teachers to work in, say, Indiana in the United States (and Indiana teachers would go to Finland). After five years—assuming that the Finnish teachers showed up fluent in English and that education policies in Indiana would continue as planned—we would check whether these teachers have been able to improve test scores in state-mandated student assessments.

I argue that if there were any gains in student achievement they would be marginal. Why? Education policies in Indiana and many other states in the United States create a context for teaching that limits (Finnish) teachers to use [I think he meant “teachers’ ability to use”] their skills, wisdom and shared knowledge for the good of their students’ learning. Actually, I have met some experienced Finnish-trained teachers in the United States who confirm this hypothesis. Based on what I have heard from them, it is also probable that many of those transported Finnish teachers would be already doing something else than teach by the end of their fifth year – quite like their American peers.

I think he’s right about Indiana but that, possibly depending on the district, those Finnish teachers could have a good experience here.

Conversely, the teachers from Indiana working in Finland—assuming they showed up fluent in Finnish—stand to flourish on account of the freedom to teach without the constraints of standardized curricula and the pressure of standardized testing; strong leadership from principals who know the classroom from years of experience as teachers; a professional culture of collaboration; and support from homes unchallenged by poverty.

What if Finland’s great teachers taught in U.S. schools?.


  1. Scott Marion says:

    I agree with most of your posts and I even agree with most of what you’ve written here, but not all of it. I think you have a few contradictions at work here. First you correctly point out that Finnish teachers are exceptionally well trained, high-achieving professionals. Then you also correctly point out that U.S. teachers are not nearly as well trained, at least many of them, and it is well known that that they come from the bottom half of the SAT/ACT distribution at most universities. So if these two things are true, then it does NOT follow that U.S. teachers would flourish in Finland. I’d argue that Finish teachers could do well here because of their high ability and superior training, but we cannot assume the converse is true.

    • Bill Duncan says:

      Ahhh…it’s a very fine point you are making here, Scott. But first, you are clear what Pasi Sahlberg is saying and what I’m saying, right? He’s the indented quotes and I’m the exdented comments on his statements. So I think he is saying that, in a bad administrative framework, poorly supported (Indiana), the Finns would not do well. Maybe, maybe not. He’s just making the point that the policy context, leadership and support system are important. That’s hard to disagree with. And in my comment I said I thought they


      do well in New Hampshire where there is a good chance they would be allowed to flourish.

      As to whether our teachers would flourish in Finland….it is just a thought experiment…but I didn’t say ours were poorly trained. He kind of does, saying that the quality of the institutions varies widely and TFA folks couldn’t possibly be good teachers. But without even being too precise about how well trained an American teacher going to Finland might be, it does seem to me that in a pedagogically rich environment, surrounded by good teachers and led by a good principal, all working in a system in the habit of delivering to an established national standard…I don’t know, but it seems to me inevitable the the American teacher would become a better and better teacher.

      • Scott Marion says:

        Yes, I agree that a stifling structure would likely lessen the effectiveness of Finnish teachers. While you might not have said it, I’ll say it. Many of our teachers are not very well trained, we have lousy to non-existent induction programs, and generally weak professional development, so we are dealing with many teachers who have not had a decent opportunity to learn their craft. But I think we have a chicken and egg problem here. Did the policies in this country come about because it is too hard to deal with the real structural issues and did the policies in Finland evolve the way they did because they were afforded the opportunity to focus intensely on teacher quality? Of course, teacher evaluation systems can’t fix structural weaknesses in our system and a homogeneous country of 5 million people is able to do things we can’t seem to do in this country (heck, can our policy makers in Washington do anything!!).

  2. says:

    This is fascinating, Bill. Bobbie

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