This is the final post in our series on the speeches given by last Sunday’s NCCA graduates. Joseph Wallace spoke eloquently of overcoming bipolar disease and avoiding a life on welfare:
The North Country Charter Academy is the best thing that could have happened in my many years of education.
Good Afternoon, my name is Joseph Wallace.
The North Country Charter Academy is the best thing that could have happened in my many years of education. At traditional schools I have attended my whole life; I have always had trouble with people due to my bipolar and speech impediment. The charter school provided me with a way to get an education that otherwise I would have missed out on.
I was able to slow down where I needed to and accelerate through what I knew.
I was able to work at my own pace and not at the pace provided by a traditional class, I was able to slow down where I needed to and accelerate through what I knew. The one thing that I am most appreciative of is the safe environment that I received at the charter, I wasn’t antagonized, attacked or given any kind of hard time. Most people did not think I would be here today, that I would be a dropout who would just live on welfare.
Most people did not think I would be here today, that I would be a dropout who would just live on welfare.
I always wanted to be more but was blocked by every step of the way and eventually gave up. North Country Charter Academy changed that for me and I wouldn’t have graduated if it was not for everyone who supported me and brought me to this wonderful school.
Mr. Bisson and Mrs Cascadden managed to get me to the charter, my Dad who throughout all of his pushing got me here today, my Mom who always supported me and taught me that I didn’t have to quit to have peace, Mr. K who helped me through mathematics, Mrs. Ryder who without whom I would still be struggling to understand English, and Mr. Kelly who’s knowledge of economics and history allowed him to make the lesson activities more interesting. Ms. Lavoie, thank you for accepting me into the program and allowing me to get an education I would have not have had without this school. Moreover, for everyone who helped me on the way to better myself. …
I thank you