Two New Hampshire legislators have filed LSRs (“Legislative Service Requests,” place holders for bills) on bills to oppose the Common Core. Glenn Cordelli has filed LSR 2015-H-0047-L “relative to implementation of college and career readiness standards.” And Smarter Balanced assessment opponent David Murotake has filed LSR2015-H-0102-L “relative to the implementation of new statewide education annual assessments.”
But after the fight last year, New Hampshire is pretty well established as a firmly Common Core state. We are over four years in now and New Hampshire teachers and teachers around the country are in strong support.Republicans do have the majority in both chambers of the Legislature for the next two years. And most Republican legislators will probably continue to oppose the Common Core and the new annual test New Hampshire will use, the Smarter Balanced Assessment. But a number of Republicans and most all Democrats support the standards. And Governor Hassan is a strong supporter. So there will be a lot of activity but it is unlikely that much will change in New Hampshire.
In this sense, New Hampshire is much like most other states. Collaborators for Student Success just put out a memo saying,
Even amidst a Republican wave, candidates elected to statewide governing positions largely resisted pressure to call for repeal of the Standards:
86% of Governors in pro-Common Core states have not expressed interest in repealing the Standards (38 of 44 Governors)
90% of state Superintendents in Common Core states have not taken steps to repeal the
Standards (40 of 44 Superintendents)Among the 44 states with Common Core on the books, only six Governors and three State Superintendents have sought to repeal it.
These statistics demonstrate quite conclusively that, far from being a political loser, support for Common Core does not jeopardize a candidate’s political prospects. If the notion that voters are clamoring to elect candidates who oppose uniformly high academic standards were true, it would be reflected in the makeup of Governorships and State Superintendents. But after two national elections, including the most recent GOP wave election, statewide officials bent on repealing the Standards are in the minority…..
On Election Day, the Collaborative for Student Success asked a survey question of 1000 voters (39% Republican, 38% Democrat, 23% Independent/Did Not Indicate) across the country: “do you approve or disapprove of educational standards in math and English that identify what a child should know in both subjects by the end of each school grade so that student achievement may be measured from school to school and state to state?”
By a greater than two-to-one margin, 62% to 27%, voters approved (35% strongly approve, 26% somewhat approve, 11% somewhat disapprove, 16% strongly disapprove).
Republicans and independents supported the standards by 28- point margin: 59%-31%; support among Democrats is even higher at 68% to 21%.
Here is the chart from Collaborators for Students Success showing very few Common Core dissenters among governors and superintendents.