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Bishop Libasci doubles down on gaining state funding for Catholic schools

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Now that the Diocese lobbying effort is out there, Bishop Libasci has cut to the heart of the issue with straight talk.

The Bishop’s message is no longer about empowering families who need an alternative to the excellent learning environment in our public schools but that legislators should vote for for SB 193 to pay Catholic school tuition.

Bishop Libasci crystallizes the issue SB 193 has put before the Legislature in his new letter to his parishioners:

From: “Joy Degnan” <>
Subject: Message from the Bishop
Date: May 1, 2018 at 12:54:52 PM EDT
April 27, 2018

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I write today to share news of an exciting opportunity under consideration by the New Hampshire Legislature and to ask for your help. The New Hampshire House is expected to vote on this program, known as Education Savings Accounts (or SB 193), as soon as May 2, so I urge you to act on this bill today.

SB 193 would create a program of flexible spending accounts funded by the State and directed by eligible families. Families could use the funds on education opportunities that best meet the needs of their children such as tuition at a private school (including Catholic schools), tutors, and online learning. The ESA program would provide much-needed assistance to the many New Hampshire families looking for an alternative educational setting for their children but struggling to afford those opportunities.

I ask you to contact your representatives as soon as possible and urge them to support SB 193. Share your own story of why the ESA program would help your family or would have helped your family if it had been in place. Share the story of a family you have met who would benefit from this program. Let your voice be heard!

May Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle bless the efforts of all of our teachers and students in New Hampshire as we approach the end of the school year. Thankful for all of you who have so vigorously taken up important causes throughout this entire Legislative session, I remain

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci, D.D

Bishop of Manchester

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