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Union Leader tries but fails to spin the Common Core message from the NH House

The UL takes the expected editorial position on the strong affirmation by the House in support of the Common Core standards:

The New Hampshire House of Representatives sent a strong message to parents on Wednesday: Obey your educational superiors and don’t ask any questions.

Let’s be clear. The political opposition to the Common Core in New Hampshire is driven by the homeschoolers and voucher advocates who were in the forefront of the effort to privatize New Hampshire public education in the last Legislature.

Skeptical inquiry into the real impact of these new higher standards does indeed exist across the political spectrum. But, as Rep. Mel Myler (D-Contoocook) said on the House floor Wednesday, “There is a large gap between legitimate skeptical inquiry and ideological defiance.” That’s the gap the Union Leader blandly ignores, in spite of the great success in New Hampshire classrooms documented in their own news pages (here and here and here and here for example).


NH House votes continued support for common core education standards | New Hampshire Politics

Union Leader coverage of yesterday’s Common Core votes:

NH House votes continued support for common core education standards

CONCORD – The New Hampshire House of Representatives Wednesday killed or set aside for study a series of bills aimed at delaying or terminating the state’s participation in the controversial college and career readiness standards program known common core.

The action on five common core-related bills by the House brought to an end, at least for this session of the Legislature, the continuing emotional debate over the issue.

The House rejected, 201-138, House Bill 1508, which would have terminated state participation in common core. Sixteen Republicans joined 185 Democrats in the majority, while three Democrats joined 135 Republicans on the losing side, in favor of ending the program.

The House Education Committee had recommended that the bill be killed on a vote of 13-6, but Republican common core opponents tried, unsuccessfully, to portray the program as federal government intrusion in local education decisions.

read the rest at NH House votes continued support for common core education standards | New Hampshire Politics.

Common Core Stays Put in N.H. | Valley News

Valley News coverage of yesterday’s Common Core votes:

House Votes Down Bills To Change Standards
By Kathleen Ronayne
Concord Monitor
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Concord — Five bills aimed at scaling back portions of the Common Core education standards or the new tests associated with them failed to gain support in the House Wednesday.

“Termination for all this effort and activity would be nothing less than chaotic for our students, teachers and others,” said Rep. Mary Stuart Gile, D-Concord, chairwoman of the House Education Committee.


read the rest at Common Core Stays Put in N.H. | Valley News.

There is a large gap between legitimate skeptical inquiry and ideological defiance - Rep. Mel Myler on the floor of the NH House

Here are the comments of Rep. Mel Myler (D-Contoocook) speaking in support of the committee recommendation, Inexpedient to Legislate, on HB 1508, the one sentence bill that would have ended the Common Core in New Hampshire. The vote was 201-138, including 17 Republicans, in favor of killing the bill. Mel had to have been directly responsible for some of those votes.


House stands behind new education standards, votes down five attempts to cancel or delay Common Core - Landrigan, Nashua Telegraph

Landrigan captured this essence of the debate in his Nashua Telegraph piece about the Common Core votes yesterday (more…)

New Hampshire reaffirms its commitment to the Common Core and the Smarter Balanced assessment

Yesterday and today, in six separate roll call votes, the New Hampshire House refused to pass a single anti-Common Core bill on to the Senate. All those bills were voted either Inexpedient to Legislate or Interim Study. (more…)