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Dr. Mark Joyce, head of the school administrators’ association testifies in support of the Common Core standards
Dear Members of NH House Education Committee,
RE: Testimony in support of the common core and improved assessment practices
I am writing this email to share my testimony in support of the use of the common core standards and improved assessment practices in our public schools. I know you have heard my testimony before on these subjects but I am unable to attend the new hearings and the recessed hearing this coming week in that I am traveling for work and training future school leaders.
In brief, the members of New Hampshire School Administrators Association and the members of New Hampshire Special Education Administrators Association have been and continue to be very committed to improving the rigor and coordination of K-12 curriculum as a vitally important way of ensuring that all NH’s children will be prepared for the challenges of living in and prospering in the 21 century. The so-called common core standards provide a valuable baseline or foundation on which individual NH school districts can build a solid and coordinated curriculum as guided by the local school board. In addition, these standards have been studied and adapted by NH educators since 2007 and now play an integral part in the everyday instruction in our schools. Given the ongoing development of more rigorous standards, schools throughout NH are engaged in developing more responsive assessments that will assist in measuring individual student progress towards higher standards. We believe the adaptive nature of new assessments like “Smarter Balance” and newly created local formative assessments provide instructional useful measures that will allow teachers, parents, students and leaders to continually improve learning.
The Common Core is right for a STEM career - Bill Duncan in the Concord Monitor
Common Core opponents use any hook they can for their critiques. Recently, Dr. James Milgram, one of two former academics traveling the country to make the case against the Common Core, sent this testimony to the House Education Committee recently. (more…)
Dr. Elaine M. Arbour, Assistant Superintendent in Claremont testimony opposing the 5 Bad Bills to undermine the Common Core
Testimony in support of the common care and improved assessment practices
I am writing this email to share my testimony in support of the use of the common core standards and improved assessment practices in our public schools.
As Chair of the New Hampshire School Administrators Association’s Southwest Region’s Curriculum Administrators, I have frequent contact with my colleagues throughout the Southwest region and the state. During the course of our interactions, it has become clear to me that my colleagues support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as a means of improving the rigor and coordination of K-12 curriculum for New Hampshire’s children. (more…)
5 Bad Bills: a small group of legislators push to end high academic standards in New Hampshire
This week, the House Education Committee is finishing up hearings on five anti-Common Core bills - bills that seek in one way or another to end New Hampshire’s use of the Common Core and any future academic standards, including the Next Generation Science Standards.
The push comes mainly from a small number of legislators (here is their recent press conference), established opponents of New Hampshire public education. In the last Legislature, Lenette Peterson supported bills to abolish DOE, end compulsory school attendance, lower the dropout age and repeal universal kindergarten. Al Baldasaro and J.R. Hoell were cosponsors or supporters most of those same bills. As a member of the House Education Committee, Ralf Boehm supported bills to end universal kindergarten and lower the dropout age. In addition, freshman legislators David Murotake and Glenn Cordelli are sponsors on most of the anti-Common Core bills.
HB 1508-FN (testimony here) is a one sentence bill that seeks to “terminate all plans, programs, activities, and expenditures relative to the implementation of the common core….any assessments and instruction based upon such standards.” Prime sponsor: Lenette Peterson Cosponsors: Alfred Baldasaro, Pamela Tucker, Patrick Bick, Jeffrey Harris, David Murotake, Jane Cormier, Donald LeBrun, Jeanine Notter, William Infantine.
House Education Committee Chair Mary Gile recessed last Thursday’s packed public hearing on HB 1508 (here’s the Union Leader report) until next Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 3:00.